Do it Yourself Fishing Fun
Surf Cast off the Rocks or Beach
You can throw a line in the pristine waters of Cable Bay on the beach or on the rocks. This guest paddled out in front of the apartments and caught this in no time at all! The chap behind had a dive for kina too. The great providers!
Some fishing gear is supplied, such as a dinghy with anchor, oars and life jackets for a row out to deeper water - so you can get some exercise and try your luck at the same time!
Kina or Tuatua
Locals come to Cable Bay to free dive for kina, a salty fishy roe - a real kiwi experience.
At Coopers Beach and Tokerau, at low tide, tuatuas are dug for in the sand, and cooked up on the BBQ. See us for an excellent fritter recipe.
Torpedo and Drone Fishing
Or set a drone or torpedo released on the beach that winds in with a surprise for all.
Wharf Fishing
Great fun for the family to through a line in off Mangonui or Mill Bay Wharves. Fun seeing what others are catching also - and you can finish off with local fish and chips!
Fishing Charter
For guaranteed fishing catches, you can charter a boat for a full or half day with Doubtless Bay Charters.